
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I am sitting here needing to pack my personal carry on, but am choosing to enter something before the busy-ness of the mission trip gets going.  We have not even begun our trip and the blessing that we have received continue to come in.  I am blessed that my husband's cousin's wife Barbie and two of her friends will be joining us this year.  We have asked for and received backpack, medicine for children, money for mosquito nets, money to start a rabbit project there.  I continue to receive calls from members informing me, " You are not going to believe this"  Oh yes I will.  God has proven and continues to prove that is is at work among us.  We are taking 14 bags of 50 lbs each full of all of the items donates.  If you have nothing better to do at 2am, wanna help load the vehicles?  :)

Our Bible study while on this mission trip is two fold, Forgotten God, reversing our tragic neglect of the Holy Spirit and When God's Spirit Moves.  Need to get to packing.  Stay tuned to more post as internet availability allows.  God Bless you all        Sue