
God reminds us of his Glory

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We are in Haiti!

    We arrived to the normal heat and hunidity, but after all the heat that we have experienced the past two weeks in Missouri, it feels normal.  There is another team here from Maryland.  Funny it is a group that was hear a year ago when we were here also.  A much smaller group, and a few different, but same church.  We arrived to get our sleeping assignments and quickly took our things to the room before going to the compound for a wonderful meal of rice, with a red sauce with some chicken and potatoes, picklee ( a most wonderfully spicy vegetable relish), bread fruit (not a fruit) and watermelon.  Of course it was washed down with the most wonderful home made lime juice from local limes.  Macqueline, graced us with her singing.  Will need to post a video later.  The rains have moved in and everyone has moved in or under the trees for conversation, the mosquitos have followed.  Let get the bug spray out before returning to the rooms.  Will enter much more tomorrow, but it has been a long day and I am fading fast.  Love to you all from Haiti!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where will Sue be you ask? Montrouis, Haiti

Realized many of you do not know where I will be while in Haiti.  So here is a map that has the town listed.  Imagine the country shaped as a crabs claw.  Go to the center of the opening and you will find Port-au-Prince.  Follow the coast line up and around to the middle of the top claw, you will see Montrouis.  The town is pronounced,     Moo - E  

I don't want to go through the motions!

    Sometimes there are things that change your life, loss of job, divorce, death of a child.  I had already been doing mission work before Nathan died, but now I feel a greater purpose in all that I do.  Life is so fragile and so temporal.  I love this song.  This is how I want to live each day.  Enjoy.

Matthew West - The Motions

Always there, Always Seeking Us Out

   The Holy Spirit is always with us.  Even when we are unaware of His presence, He is there.  Even if we refuse to acknowledge His involvement in our lives, the truth remains:  the Spirit of God is always present and ever seeking us out to draw us into a relationship with him.

     This last week at Vacation Bible School I found myself smiling and almost laughing of how God has worked in my life with his gentle nudges as to what he wants me to be aware of.  Most of the scriptures that we highlighted this week for the children to learn, mirrored the first day of my Bible Study, Experiencing the Holy Spirit.  It made me think more of all that he has done through me in past mission trips.  Whether it has been a orphanage in Poland, a Nigerian village far away from any sense of civilization or tornado relief in Missouri, He was there working in me and through me.  

   One thing I had become increasingly aware of is "self", while on this trips.  I have found my self on a clean up crew after a tornado and just going through the motions.  Because in my mind, it is something that "I" am doing.  I had found myself just getting the job done, rather than being aware of what He wanted me to be aware of or learn from...  

      When growing up I had a lot of responsibilities and I was "in control" of the house during evenings when my mother worked.  My personal chores, then supper on the table for Dad and my brother and sister.  Cleaning the kitchen afterwards, making sure the younger ones had gotten any projects done for school.  I learned to take charge of things and be in control. So for me to "lose control" to the Spirit was a big thing for me to learn.  I have been blessed with many brothers and sisters in Christ who have helped nurture my growth.  I am also grateful for a loving husband who has, many times, sat back and let me learn from my mistakes rather than rescuing me.  Oh, believe me I am FAR from perfect and realize now that I do not need to be perfect.  I just need to be flexible so I can be molded into what he wants or needs me to be. 


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do we take our time? Or time our takes?

      It has been a week since my last entry.  My days have been so filled that I have not had time to gather my thoughts.  Isn't that a scary statement.  I HAVE NOT HAD TIME TO GATHER MY THOUGHTS!

     I have a dear Nigerian friend, Sam.  I love him so much.  He has such a heart for God and his whole life is revolved around furthering His kingdom, first in Nigeria, now in South Africa.  I remember one time we were discussing all that needed to be done that day.  We were working on what we could get done.  He shared with us how he and his wife (Roli, my dear sister) and he deal with issues like this.  He said that Roli takes her time and he (Sam) times his takes.  We all laughed, how many of us take our time and how many of us, time our takes.  I would say that if you polled anyone who "really" knows me, they would say I time my takes.  I want to actually quote a high school friend on something she posted to me just recently after declaring that  I was calling it a day around 6pm and in my friends words, gonna be lazy for the night.  Here was her response;

About time. Your husband definitely picked the right woman for the job. You are definitely the cow chasin, coop fixin, thistle cutting, dawn to dusk, fryin that bacon up in the pan and shootin them chicken eatin varmints kind of woman. Sue, I have no doubt you could have come across the prairie in a covered wagon and helped repair that broken wagon wheel or fight off any number of no account drifters trying to steal your supplies and water. So take a well earned break woman,  

      I laughed and then thought, people perceive who we are by what we say and do.  These last few weeks have been busy here on the farm.  I am trying to get my jobs finished, before leaving for Haiti, so it is not left for someone else to do.  So to those who see my posting on FB probably think I am a little nuts.  It has been temps in the 90's and 100's with high humidity, but hey, that is the life of a farmer...and farmers wife.  But one thing became very aware to me this week.  When I "check in" or post, it is never about my quite time, my Bible Study.  I only checked into Vacation Bible School the first night...was too busy getting ready the rest of the nights to post it...   How much do we share with our friends about who we are and what we do?   We don't think twice to say on FB funny little moments and pictures of kids or grand kids, but do we also use it for something that God made you think about today.  The simplest yet best lesson I have learned this week have been at Vacation Bible School. I think ALL adults need to go to VBS, we could all learn a lot.  Every day they had a Bible Verse Buddy who helped them learn every day a key phase that would be shared in every rotation to make sure it hits home for them.

Day 1       God Made Us
Day 2       God Listens to Us
Day 3       God Watches over You
Day 4       God Loves You no matter What
Day 5       God Gives Good Gifts

     I would guess to bet that a large portion of people I show this list to would say, Yes, those statements are true.  But how many of us would say that we truly believe with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, every statement?   One last night of VBS, still need to finishing packing one bag to go and all my clothes in my carry one.  Sunday will be here before I know it.
God Bless 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Study has Arrived!

   I always get excited when the study I have ordered for us to do while we are there arrives.  This time, I am a little more apprehensive.  I guess right now, I am second guessing what God wants me to do as to what I think we can pull off.

   When looking for a study, I always talk to friends of mine who are missionaries, teachers in seminary, close Christian friends.  After talking to many, nothing really jumped out at me as to do any of those that were mentioned.  So I started looking at a few sites where I order material and one study seemed to jump out at me time and time again.  No matter what site I went to, it was always on the first page of the list.  The title is what caught me, "Experiencing the Holy Spirit".  I thought, who doesn't want to do that, but in reading more about it, found that it is designed to be a twelve week study, yes 12!  So immediately went on looking.  I spent a week praying and looking and this book was everywhere I looked.  Finally, I said (out loud), ok God, I got it.  We will do it.  So it is now in my hands.  It was meant to be a 12 week study with 5 lessons in each day.  So we will complete a weeks worth of work each day.  Nuts right?  Well after going through it, reading some titles and references, I am excited.  There is no way that we can do this and that is exactly why we will do it.  Because HE wants us to.

I am ready to experience my daily walk in the Spirit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011 Live What You Believe

       While it's the big decisions that can change the course of our lives, it's the small choices that can define a life.  We often make these choices without thinking much about them.  Maybe they're just a part of our routine or a response to people in our lives.  Maybe we're in a hurry and just don't take time to consider the implications of our everyday actions.  If we did, we would see that behind every to-do list, calendar appointment and shopping list is an opportunity to live what we believe.

      I have learned from an early age to get in there, roll up your sleeves and get to work.  Being raised in a small town, (Hubbard, Nebr.) you learn early that everyone is family and if someone needs help, you are there in a heart beat.  Someday you may be the one needing the help and everyone knows that.  As I grew into an adult I kept the attitude of busy-ness (if helping others) was a good thing.  No matter what you did, volunteer at school, soup kitchen, Church committee, Sunday School Teacher, scout leader it was all good.  While on a two week Bible study in Turkey, studying the seven cities of Revelations and Paul's missionary travels, I learned something, something so foreign to me that it really made me stop and think.  We had been discussing our role in the grand scheme in the world of God's.  I guess you could say, what's your calling, what is your Gift, what is your purpose in life.  While there I heard....You may be doing a lot in God's world, but are you doing what he has called you to do..?  I also heard that me being the yes person a lot, may be taking an opportunity for someone else to do what God has called "them" to do.     I have done a lot since moving here, to Missouri.  So if we were making a check list, it would be pretty long already.  But looking at that list, a lot of them had nothing to do with, what I feel God has called me to do.

     There is a song by Josh Wilson called "I Refuse".  The first time I heard it, I said to myself out loud, (for those of who you know me well, this happens a lot, the saying to myself out loud), that is me.  I need to move forward with out reservation with what I feel God has called me to do and let others do their thing.  I remember sitting back once and thinking, (this one was not out loud).  Me do mission work, I am not gifted in the Bible, can't recall scripture, have a family, the list kept growing.  Until one Sunday, when a  Nigerian friend of our got up and spoke at church (Wassenaar, The Netherlands) about a mission group that he have a heart for and wanted people to see if this is something our church could support.  He was wanting to take a small team down to see everything.  No sooner did Meschack got it out of his mouth, My husband, Scott, looked at me and said, "You're going aren't you"?  And that solidified it.  After returning I felt that is what God had called me to do.  I was comfortable doing it.  I never felt uncomfortable being in a village, in Nigeria and now Haiti feels very comfortable for me also.  Comfortable in the fact that is where God wants me and needs to be his arms and feet.  

So in your busy day, please find the time, and listen to the song,  It is really easy for us to stand and watch life, but what has God called you to do?  I want to Live What I Believe.

 Right now I am being called to be obedient to my responsibilities around the property before leaving to Haiti.  Off to mow.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011 The Miracles of God

          I have seen God work in so many way.  I remember hearing someone say one time, sorry can't remember who said it but..., "Do we believe less in miracles because we see less miracles, or do we see less miracles because we believe less"?  I actually heard a person say once, "that only happened back in Biblical time (miracles)", my heart felt so sad for that person.  How can anyone who believes go through life thinking that God has changed His ways and has decided to cease in the miracle department.      
        For those of you who heard me share my 'Faith Journey after Losing Nathan", need to understand if you don't already, even before Nathan died, I believed God could and would do as he saw fit.  From the time I prayed for him to give me what ever he wanted me to have, so each morning I could give him the glory as he wanted me to.   If you have not yet heard my story, you can still hear it.  Follow these steps.
1). Go to
2). On the right hand side of the home page click on Sermons (audio)
3). You are now at the Recent Sermon page, You will see the Title, "Why I Lift My Hand" with my name under it.  Double click on it.  It will take a few moments but it will come up and you will hear that service right before I begin to speak.  You will also hear my girlfriend Angel sing a song that I felt explained my experience.
         Back to miracles, as if that story isn't enough to prove them.  Over and over again I have seen miracle happen while on my mission trips, from a Chief in a Nigerian muslim village allowing his wives and the members of his tribe, to worship the Three in One to our team in Haiti having a specific amount of money left to work with and that is the exact amount that was needed to purchase additional plates and cups for the meal service of the additional children coming to the school.  I am sure many of you have said, what a coincidence.   Why do we as Christians say that?  Why do we come and worship Sunday morning, listen to the words spoken, sing the songs that lift Him up, to only walk out the door with the same attitude as we did when we walked in?
            Something that our new Pastor, John Rice, said really hit home with me.  I found that I also do what he had done.  He shared about going to a local diner (I guess you could call Nicks a diner) and while there, during ice tea fill ups, struck up a conversation with the waitress.  He learned about her struggles, her hurts, her frustrations.  All over the time it took to get his ice tea filled.  Invited her to church.  Sowed a seed of love and caring.  One thing I have struggled with over the last 5 years of doing mission work here, is dealing with the #1 question that I always hear up my return.  What did you do, how much work did you get done.   How do I explain to people that I held a child while he slept for an hour or we walked almost 5 miles, just to move 50 cinder blocks, because the conversation on the walk, was more important that moving the blocks themselves were.  That we played Skip-Bo with some of the older Haitian boys, because them learning English and us learning Haitian was not paramount, but the fact that we laughed and shared about our lives to each other was.  The "work" we do in many cases is very important, but "I" can do the work.  It is when I slow down that "God" takes over and His work starts happening.  I have personally seen so many miracles come from those quite, seemingly mundane moments of our trip.  It is those moments, I continue to see a harvest of fruit on my return visits.  He is at work.  He still performs miracles every day.  I guess some of us are just waiting for the water to turn to wine or for the sea to turn red.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where is the time going?

I looked at the calendar yesterday with the realization that I leave for Haiti in 16 days.  So much to do, still need to pack all the things that have been given to me to take down there, my carry on with enough clothes for two weeks get the Bible studies out to everyone.  While there we are completed surround with God's work, through people, songs and his Word.  Every year I have chosen (or God places it on my heart) and we do a study in the morning before breakfast and then one at night.  We want to be in His Will in all that we do.  We have seen his fingerprint on everything down there.  It is hard NOT to BELIEVE IN MIRACLES after spending time down there.  We make plans and then sit back and laugh to see how God will rearrange them for his Glory!  The study this year is..The Holy Spirit: Transformed by his presence.  So much more I want to enter, but I am still on here on the farm, so that means I have other responsibilities still.  Have to go out and do chores and work on thistles in the fields today.  Will gather thoughts today and enter more later.  God Bless you All.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011

Good Morning Everyone,

    Starting the countdown to Haiti 2011.  I have spoke with many of you and not everyone has FaceBook, so I have started this blog for people to track what I am doing while in Haiti.  I will try to the best of my ability, God willing we have power every day, to update.  Over  half the bags are already packed and still waiting for sewing kits, Vacation Bible School donations and the like.  Lynn Lyon asked what would we do if we don't have anymore room...I said stop asking for stuff.  We are only four people this trip, myself, Lynn Lyon, his daughter in-law Lori and his granddaughter Katie.  We wish we could take so much more with us when we go, but when a bag is full, a bag is full.  I have so many people to thanks for their donations.  First my home church in Hubbard, Nebraska.  Those wonderful ladies heard my stories and have decided to make sewing kits for the sewing school.  Then when sharing this with a friends mother, Esther Watkins, she is going through all of her sewing things and is getting a group of items to send down with them.  I have been so blessed to have a wonderful little community that I have called home all these years.  My heart will always go back to Hubbard and my earlier years.

      My church here in Chillicothe has been an amazing also.  They have helped me since my first trip 4 years ago.  Securing land for the family that God provided to me, building a house...and prayer, so much prayer.    The pre-school has collected flip flops and has drawn pictures and has pictures of everyone for me to share with the children in Montrouis.  The VBS this year will be collecting pencils and pencil sharpeners to take down.  God has really laid a lot on my heart and each year something new is being accomplished.  My dream of hiring a full time nurse for the clinic may be happening.  I have gone around and spoke at a few women's groups and have received some generous donations.  We would love to hire Rebecca.  She is a local Haitian girls who has been and is a trained nurse.  Cost to hire her for one years is $3600.  Yes you read it right.  That is $300 a month.  Of course once that money is raised we need to get the word out and have people make donations to help keep that money going to pay her.

    I still have so much to do here before getting ready to go, so will close for now.  Love to you all and thank you for all your prayers and support.
