
God reminds us of his Glory

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where is the time going?

I looked at the calendar yesterday with the realization that I leave for Haiti in 16 days.  So much to do, still need to pack all the things that have been given to me to take down there, my carry on with enough clothes for two weeks get the Bible studies out to everyone.  While there we are completed surround with God's work, through people, songs and his Word.  Every year I have chosen (or God places it on my heart) and we do a study in the morning before breakfast and then one at night.  We want to be in His Will in all that we do.  We have seen his fingerprint on everything down there.  It is hard NOT to BELIEVE IN MIRACLES after spending time down there.  We make plans and then sit back and laugh to see how God will rearrange them for his Glory!  The study this year is..The Holy Spirit: Transformed by his presence.  So much more I want to enter, but I am still on here on the farm, so that means I have other responsibilities still.  Have to go out and do chores and work on thistles in the fields today.  Will gather thoughts today and enter more later.  God Bless you All.

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