
God reminds us of his Glory

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011 Live What You Believe

       While it's the big decisions that can change the course of our lives, it's the small choices that can define a life.  We often make these choices without thinking much about them.  Maybe they're just a part of our routine or a response to people in our lives.  Maybe we're in a hurry and just don't take time to consider the implications of our everyday actions.  If we did, we would see that behind every to-do list, calendar appointment and shopping list is an opportunity to live what we believe.

      I have learned from an early age to get in there, roll up your sleeves and get to work.  Being raised in a small town, (Hubbard, Nebr.) you learn early that everyone is family and if someone needs help, you are there in a heart beat.  Someday you may be the one needing the help and everyone knows that.  As I grew into an adult I kept the attitude of busy-ness (if helping others) was a good thing.  No matter what you did, volunteer at school, soup kitchen, Church committee, Sunday School Teacher, scout leader it was all good.  While on a two week Bible study in Turkey, studying the seven cities of Revelations and Paul's missionary travels, I learned something, something so foreign to me that it really made me stop and think.  We had been discussing our role in the grand scheme in the world of God's.  I guess you could say, what's your calling, what is your Gift, what is your purpose in life.  While there I heard....You may be doing a lot in God's world, but are you doing what he has called you to do..?  I also heard that me being the yes person a lot, may be taking an opportunity for someone else to do what God has called "them" to do.     I have done a lot since moving here, to Missouri.  So if we were making a check list, it would be pretty long already.  But looking at that list, a lot of them had nothing to do with, what I feel God has called me to do.

     There is a song by Josh Wilson called "I Refuse".  The first time I heard it, I said to myself out loud, (for those of who you know me well, this happens a lot, the saying to myself out loud), that is me.  I need to move forward with out reservation with what I feel God has called me to do and let others do their thing.  I remember sitting back once and thinking, (this one was not out loud).  Me do mission work, I am not gifted in the Bible, can't recall scripture, have a family, the list kept growing.  Until one Sunday, when a  Nigerian friend of our got up and spoke at church (Wassenaar, The Netherlands) about a mission group that he have a heart for and wanted people to see if this is something our church could support.  He was wanting to take a small team down to see everything.  No sooner did Meschack got it out of his mouth, My husband, Scott, looked at me and said, "You're going aren't you"?  And that solidified it.  After returning I felt that is what God had called me to do.  I was comfortable doing it.  I never felt uncomfortable being in a village, in Nigeria and now Haiti feels very comfortable for me also.  Comfortable in the fact that is where God wants me and needs to be his arms and feet.  

So in your busy day, please find the time, and listen to the song,  It is really easy for us to stand and watch life, but what has God called you to do?  I want to Live What I Believe.

 Right now I am being called to be obedient to my responsibilities around the property before leaving to Haiti.  Off to mow.

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