
God reminds us of his Glory

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011

Good Morning Everyone,

    Starting the countdown to Haiti 2011.  I have spoke with many of you and not everyone has FaceBook, so I have started this blog for people to track what I am doing while in Haiti.  I will try to the best of my ability, God willing we have power every day, to update.  Over  half the bags are already packed and still waiting for sewing kits, Vacation Bible School donations and the like.  Lynn Lyon asked what would we do if we don't have anymore room...I said stop asking for stuff.  We are only four people this trip, myself, Lynn Lyon, his daughter in-law Lori and his granddaughter Katie.  We wish we could take so much more with us when we go, but when a bag is full, a bag is full.  I have so many people to thanks for their donations.  First my home church in Hubbard, Nebraska.  Those wonderful ladies heard my stories and have decided to make sewing kits for the sewing school.  Then when sharing this with a friends mother, Esther Watkins, she is going through all of her sewing things and is getting a group of items to send down with them.  I have been so blessed to have a wonderful little community that I have called home all these years.  My heart will always go back to Hubbard and my earlier years.

      My church here in Chillicothe has been an amazing also.  They have helped me since my first trip 4 years ago.  Securing land for the family that God provided to me, building a house...and prayer, so much prayer.    The pre-school has collected flip flops and has drawn pictures and has pictures of everyone for me to share with the children in Montrouis.  The VBS this year will be collecting pencils and pencil sharpeners to take down.  God has really laid a lot on my heart and each year something new is being accomplished.  My dream of hiring a full time nurse for the clinic may be happening.  I have gone around and spoke at a few women's groups and have received some generous donations.  We would love to hire Rebecca.  She is a local Haitian girls who has been and is a trained nurse.  Cost to hire her for one years is $3600.  Yes you read it right.  That is $300 a month.  Of course once that money is raised we need to get the word out and have people make donations to help keep that money going to pay her.

    I still have so much to do here before getting ready to go, so will close for now.  Love to you all and thank you for all your prayers and support.


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