
God reminds us of his Glory

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do we take our time? Or time our takes?

      It has been a week since my last entry.  My days have been so filled that I have not had time to gather my thoughts.  Isn't that a scary statement.  I HAVE NOT HAD TIME TO GATHER MY THOUGHTS!

     I have a dear Nigerian friend, Sam.  I love him so much.  He has such a heart for God and his whole life is revolved around furthering His kingdom, first in Nigeria, now in South Africa.  I remember one time we were discussing all that needed to be done that day.  We were working on what we could get done.  He shared with us how he and his wife (Roli, my dear sister) and he deal with issues like this.  He said that Roli takes her time and he (Sam) times his takes.  We all laughed, how many of us take our time and how many of us, time our takes.  I would say that if you polled anyone who "really" knows me, they would say I time my takes.  I want to actually quote a high school friend on something she posted to me just recently after declaring that  I was calling it a day around 6pm and in my friends words, gonna be lazy for the night.  Here was her response;

About time. Your husband definitely picked the right woman for the job. You are definitely the cow chasin, coop fixin, thistle cutting, dawn to dusk, fryin that bacon up in the pan and shootin them chicken eatin varmints kind of woman. Sue, I have no doubt you could have come across the prairie in a covered wagon and helped repair that broken wagon wheel or fight off any number of no account drifters trying to steal your supplies and water. So take a well earned break woman,  

      I laughed and then thought, people perceive who we are by what we say and do.  These last few weeks have been busy here on the farm.  I am trying to get my jobs finished, before leaving for Haiti, so it is not left for someone else to do.  So to those who see my posting on FB probably think I am a little nuts.  It has been temps in the 90's and 100's with high humidity, but hey, that is the life of a farmer...and farmers wife.  But one thing became very aware to me this week.  When I "check in" or post, it is never about my quite time, my Bible Study.  I only checked into Vacation Bible School the first night...was too busy getting ready the rest of the nights to post it...   How much do we share with our friends about who we are and what we do?   We don't think twice to say on FB funny little moments and pictures of kids or grand kids, but do we also use it for something that God made you think about today.  The simplest yet best lesson I have learned this week have been at Vacation Bible School. I think ALL adults need to go to VBS, we could all learn a lot.  Every day they had a Bible Verse Buddy who helped them learn every day a key phase that would be shared in every rotation to make sure it hits home for them.

Day 1       God Made Us
Day 2       God Listens to Us
Day 3       God Watches over You
Day 4       God Loves You no matter What
Day 5       God Gives Good Gifts

     I would guess to bet that a large portion of people I show this list to would say, Yes, those statements are true.  But how many of us would say that we truly believe with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, every statement?   One last night of VBS, still need to finishing packing one bag to go and all my clothes in my carry one.  Sunday will be here before I know it.
God Bless 

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