
God reminds us of his Glory

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Study has Arrived!

   I always get excited when the study I have ordered for us to do while we are there arrives.  This time, I am a little more apprehensive.  I guess right now, I am second guessing what God wants me to do as to what I think we can pull off.

   When looking for a study, I always talk to friends of mine who are missionaries, teachers in seminary, close Christian friends.  After talking to many, nothing really jumped out at me as to do any of those that were mentioned.  So I started looking at a few sites where I order material and one study seemed to jump out at me time and time again.  No matter what site I went to, it was always on the first page of the list.  The title is what caught me, "Experiencing the Holy Spirit".  I thought, who doesn't want to do that, but in reading more about it, found that it is designed to be a twelve week study, yes 12!  So immediately went on looking.  I spent a week praying and looking and this book was everywhere I looked.  Finally, I said (out loud), ok God, I got it.  We will do it.  So it is now in my hands.  It was meant to be a 12 week study with 5 lessons in each day.  So we will complete a weeks worth of work each day.  Nuts right?  Well after going through it, reading some titles and references, I am excited.  There is no way that we can do this and that is exactly why we will do it.  Because HE wants us to.

I am ready to experience my daily walk in the Spirit.

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