
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Always there, Always Seeking Us Out

   The Holy Spirit is always with us.  Even when we are unaware of His presence, He is there.  Even if we refuse to acknowledge His involvement in our lives, the truth remains:  the Spirit of God is always present and ever seeking us out to draw us into a relationship with him.

     This last week at Vacation Bible School I found myself smiling and almost laughing of how God has worked in my life with his gentle nudges as to what he wants me to be aware of.  Most of the scriptures that we highlighted this week for the children to learn, mirrored the first day of my Bible Study, Experiencing the Holy Spirit.  It made me think more of all that he has done through me in past mission trips.  Whether it has been a orphanage in Poland, a Nigerian village far away from any sense of civilization or tornado relief in Missouri, He was there working in me and through me.  

   One thing I had become increasingly aware of is "self", while on this trips.  I have found my self on a clean up crew after a tornado and just going through the motions.  Because in my mind, it is something that "I" am doing.  I had found myself just getting the job done, rather than being aware of what He wanted me to be aware of or learn from...  

      When growing up I had a lot of responsibilities and I was "in control" of the house during evenings when my mother worked.  My personal chores, then supper on the table for Dad and my brother and sister.  Cleaning the kitchen afterwards, making sure the younger ones had gotten any projects done for school.  I learned to take charge of things and be in control. So for me to "lose control" to the Spirit was a big thing for me to learn.  I have been blessed with many brothers and sisters in Christ who have helped nurture my growth.  I am also grateful for a loving husband who has, many times, sat back and let me learn from my mistakes rather than rescuing me.  Oh, believe me I am FAR from perfect and realize now that I do not need to be perfect.  I just need to be flexible so I can be molded into what he wants or needs me to be. 


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