
God reminds us of his Glory

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We are in Haiti!

    We arrived to the normal heat and hunidity, but after all the heat that we have experienced the past two weeks in Missouri, it feels normal.  There is another team here from Maryland.  Funny it is a group that was hear a year ago when we were here also.  A much smaller group, and a few different, but same church.  We arrived to get our sleeping assignments and quickly took our things to the room before going to the compound for a wonderful meal of rice, with a red sauce with some chicken and potatoes, picklee ( a most wonderfully spicy vegetable relish), bread fruit (not a fruit) and watermelon.  Of course it was washed down with the most wonderful home made lime juice from local limes.  Macqueline, graced us with her singing.  Will need to post a video later.  The rains have moved in and everyone has moved in or under the trees for conversation, the mosquitos have followed.  Let get the bug spray out before returning to the rooms.  Will enter much more tomorrow, but it has been a long day and I am fading fast.  Love to you all from Haiti!

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