
God reminds us of his Glory

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day One, Clinic Day!

Had a wonderful night sleep last night.  There was a wonderful breeze that came through the room and we stayed at Dr. J’s compound.  NO RATS there!  Yes!  I woke normally as I do at home a few minutes before 5 and went down to the water to do my Bible Study and have some quite time before starting the day.  The sound of the water crashing onto the beach was such a wonderful soothing sound this morning.  Off in the distance I heard life in the village beginning to stir around and then heard an island bird start it’s morning calling. 

We had a wonderful breakfast of bread, peanut butter, banana’s, mango’s, avocado’s, watermelon, fried egg bread (a little like French toast minus butter or syrup) and something that looks like sausage, not I take that back, it is something shoved in a casing and it was round and fried.  Oh well, its protein right?  J   

We then found out that we would be conducting a clinic with a Dr J.  He is a Dr. that actually only lives in the town just north of where I live in Chillicothe.  We started at 9am, but people were lined  up way down the street by 6am.  We started and worked consistently with little breaks at different times until we quit at 4pm.  The president of the Mission and I walked down to my familys house to let them know we were having clinic so we could check Claudson.  His last check a year ago showed that he could have a sizeable hole in his heart.  We wanted the other doctor to listen also and then we would be able to discuss his options.  We had a couple of emergencies that put us behind.  One case was really frightening, and we are still not sure this girl is out of the woods.  They brought a 10 year old girl in writing with pain.  She had been swimming and had a jelly fish grab around her chest.  She had a giant welt around her where the tentacle had been.  Her throat was closing up.  They gave her a shot to stop the swelling.  It was so scary to watch.  She was just flopping around like a fish out of water; she was in so much pain.  We had to get a table to put in another room, because it was hard to work on the other people and hear what was going on with all the noise she was making.  Later she was sick to her stomach and we had to give her a shot for that.  Later she was taken home with no other medication given.  If we were not there having a clinic today she would have died, and what is scary she still may.  Prayers got out for her.

 We saw 125 people today between the hours of 9 and 4.  If we would not have had the two emergencies, we could have seen 25 more. 

We found out that our youngest Claudson has a very bad hole in his heart.  The doctor really wanted him to have a EKG to see the extent, but the only place that can happen is Port-au-Prince and it could be very costly.  We will be praying tonight for the Spirit to move with what needs to be done.  I was so please to see how well the family is doing.  They were even raising rabbits.  Praise God!  Five years ago when I found this family they were living in a lean to and know they have their own house, all boys will be in school this fall and Momma Adeline works for the school.  I had a conversation with the director today about getting a job for Papa. 

We still have a lot to do for planning for tomorrow.  They will be doing surgeries tomorrow.  There are many other things on the list that need to be done.  Everyone will get their assignments at breakfast in the morning.  It’s 6:30 and it is almost completely dark.  When working on the equator, it is pretty close to 12 hour of sun, and 12 hours dark.  Power came on about a half hour ago, and I want to get this and some pictures of before I lose it, so will close for now.

Please pray for the girl with jelly fish sting and for Claudson for the door to open for his heart to be checked further.
God Bless

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