
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Everything to Me

This is a verse of a song that I woke with on my heart;

We’re living in uncertain times and more and more I find

 I’m aware how fragile life can be. 

I want to tell the world I’ve found a love that turn my life around,

they need to know they can taste and see. 

Now, every day I am praying just to give my heart away. 

I want to live for Jesus,

so that someone else might see that He is everything to me.

Then I walked down to the ocean for my quite time and Bible Study.  I turned my    i-pod on to listen to some of my music and the song that was next on my list was the song that was on my heart this morning.  After seeing the girl that had stung by the jelly fish and our boy with the hole in his heart, I see how life is so fragile, but here, it is more so, their options are limited.

Assignments were given after breakfast and half our team helped with surgeries and Lynn and I took a team of kids from Maryland to do clean up at the local public beach.  When I say it that way, it sounds way nicer than it is.  It is a area of beach front that is about a block and ½ long, it is where the those who are still in the refugee camp left from the earthquake, bath and wash clothes.  Local men set out their nets there in hopes of catching something to sell and feed their families.  A corner of the beach is solid conch shells, all about the size of the palm of your hand.  Many have made that their main food source.  Remnants of a fire remains from where they have been thrown into the fire to cook the meat inside the shells.  It took 12 of us four hours to clean the mess.  It was a hot and nasty job, thank goodness we all had gloves.  There is no such thing as an infrastructure here in Haiti.  No one comes to collect the garbage and put it all in one location.  They all create their own garbage piles and the wind takes it from there.

After finishing that job, we went to the clinic to see how everything was going.  I was invited to assist with some of them.  Ok, relax, I put on Neosporin on the incision and bandaged it before they went home.  Some of them were very interesting surgeries, and I will spare you the pictures.  We removed many cysts, (some the larger than gold balls), removed a large scar created from Keloid (sp) skin.  Everyone only received a shot in the area the Dr. was going to be cutting.  Then two people would hold their feet down, a person  at each arm and then two nurses to assist the Doctor.  After the surgery they went to where someone had filled what medicines the doctor wanted them to take after the surgery.  The first surgery started and 25 surgeries later, it was almost 5pm and time to close up.  Everyone was tired.  Side note, the girl who was stung by the jelly fish came by and she looked much better.  Raised welts still very every evident around her boy, but she looked good.

We put everything away and then all went to eat.  The Painters showed up to share dinner with us.  They are local missionaries here whose daughter goes to my church.  She has a sewing school here in the village that I am working in and is where all the sewing kits that my home town church in Hubbard will go to.  After eating, Dale the director of the mission came and told us that they were having a special church service for us.  We immediately went to the church for a wonderful service.  I have gotten very comfortable and am remembering some of their songs, so most of the service I was singing in Creole.  It fills my heart to see show many of them were there praying for us.  This was a special service for God to direct and help all that we were doing in the community.  I was so excited to turn and see Fabrice, one of my sponsor boys, sitting down the row from me.  When he saw me he came over and gave me a big hug and kiss.  So good to see him/  His Dad was also there and were able to chat for a moment before walking home by flashlight.

As of right now for some reason the internet is down, so not sure when this is going to be loaded up, but will try still a little later.  We were all told about a Tropical Depression that is heading our way, but are thinking the tracking of it may go south of us.  We will see.  Tomorrow we are going to the mountain to help Dr. J do a clinic up there.  I am so excited; I have never gone to the village up the mountain.  Sorry for not loading any new pictures.  All the pictures I took today, were mostly graphic.  I will go through them again to see if there is something I can post.  Thank you all for your prayers while we are there.
thanks for waiting....God Bless

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