
God reminds us of his Glory

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Two Trips, Two Directions, One Spirit

       Our team will divide today to accomplish what is needed this morning.  We have added a new family that we have found and have secured sponsors for the two children.  They live in a small one room structure that is made of woven wood strips and covered in mud.  Her floor is made of dirt, and when it rains, water seeps into her home.  Tomorrow morning, we will be delivering two goats to them to have for their own.  Both are females and one is ready for milking.  The hopes are that she will raise the babies to sell or butcher to heat to help support her family.  The momma, Rose Mary is expecting a baby in three months.  Most mothers get none or next to no prenatal care.  She two children, Brenel (boy) age 5, and Julie (2 ½).  Julie has orange hair, which is a sign of malnutrition.   Momma Rose Mary is also suffering with severe tooth pain.

    I will go with a translator and Papa with Claudson  to a cardiologist in Port-au-Prince.  During a clinic he was found to have a substantial heat in his heart.  It has been confirmed and  we have made an appointment for 9:30 in the morning.  We need to leave here at 7:30 to get there on time.  Claudson has no birth certificate or any other legal documentation proving who he is.  The office said we did not need anything,  We are grateful for that.  But if for some reason  they decide that he will need surgery, the states is the best place for that and he will have to get some legal documents to apply for a medical visa.  But that is a bridge that does not need to be crossed.

We have been doing a Bible Study about the Holy Spirit and how we are empowered.  Yesterday was empowered praying and today was empowered healing.  The healing is not about us or the person needs the healing, it is about the Healer.  God the Healer performs miracles of healing by His Spirit throughout history.  We ask that you lift these people up in pray.  To God be the Glory.

God Bless

Momma Rose Mary (lady who lives in mud hut) had the goats delivered by  other part of team.  Both of them were expecting and she understands that if males are born they can be sold, they have no provisions for keeping anything.  She may butcher one, and then sell the meat to others, but it goes bad fast down here. 

I got Claudson to the specialist and he did an echo on him.  He then said that he felt better if we went to this other doctor.  He could better do what we needed.  We were so worried, got to one location, then another.  This is not the easiest thing to do here.  We called and “thanks be to God”, the doctor told us to come right over, that he could get us in.  We finally found the place.  How they drive here is beyond me.  There are next to no street signs, hardly anyone has a number of their building.  We are grateful for the signs that are hung outside.  We found it in a short time and was inside the building.  This building was full of all types of special doctors.  Baby, teeth, eyes, internal medicine, heart and a pharmacy were are located in this compound.  Then we waited for a short time and then got in.  Thank God, the doctor was from Egypt and spoke wonderful English.  We had to pay up front.  Even before I sat in the chair to speak with him, the cash was in his hands.  Claudson was such a good boy and did everything he was told.  Thank you all for your prayers, but the news is not good.  His hold should have been repaired in his first month of life.  Would not have been a big deal, but now that he is almost 5; it has done a lot of damage to his heart.  At the point surgery is not an option anymore.  He doesn’t think he could even survive the surgery.  He said that he would not make it to adulthood and that making it to his teenage year is a stretch.  It broke my heart.  So many things that we take for granted that would have been noticed even in a prenatal check are what add to the mortality rate here in Haiti.  We will still take all the information back with us and give it to the doctor who has agreed to help us, we pray.  At this point it is out of our hands and in God’s. 

   We will meet with the family today.  We will tell them that he is very sick, but that is all.  The rest is not for us.  I think Papa knew after the exam, but none of us spoke.  I have lost a son, I know the pain.  It was all I could do to keep the tears I felt inside. 

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