
God reminds us of his Glory

Monday, August 15, 2011

Blessed to be a Blessing

       One thing I am becoming more and more aware of is where I belong and what I should be doing in this grand scheme of life.  I was raised knowing that if someone asked for your help, you rolled your sleeves up and got in their and helped.  There are a lot of things we can do, with our talents for the church, but what is our gift that God has given each one of us?  So many of us struggle with this thought.  In doing this Study, Experiencing the Holy Spirit"by Larry Keefauver, I have gotten a much better picture of how it all works. 
     I always knew and had no problem with speaking in front of people, no matter how large of group, yet my personality and popularity of my middle and high school years limited the things I did.  I was not in any plays, yea I know, for all of you who have know me for the past 20 years are shocked.  Theater is so much of who I am now, but back then no.  The only thing I did take part in was speech contest through school and 4-H.   Living in a small community we didn't experience mission trips, most of us were high on the social economic scale anyway, and would not have been able to afford to do trips like that. 
      Since getting married I have been afforded the opportunity to serve in mission type of work in various capacities. Since living overseas all of them have also included a Bible study, which I have continued with the teams I take to Haiti.  In this last study I have realized that natural talent does not necessarily equate spiritual gifting.  While the Holy Spirit may use a natural talent you have in ministry, you many not necessarily have natural skills for your gifts.  But we will receive supernatural power from the Spirit to minister in the gifts(s) He gives us.  One scripture that was highlighted was,

1 Peter 4:11       Do you have the gift of speaking?  Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you.  Do you have the gift of helping others?  Do it will all the strength and energy that God supplies.  Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.  All Glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.
    It is funny how you can do studies and then all of a sudden, you see things you have never seen before.  I feel as if I now understand that I am to share what God has done in my life to help other see what the possibilities are in theirs.  I have been blessed with this gift so I can in turn be a blessing to others.  He calls us out of our security and comfort to go out to bless others so that  "all nations" can receive His blessing.  May God place someone in your path today that is to be a blessing for you.

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