
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tropical Storm Emily

     Many of us were unaware that a tropical storm was building out in the ocea.  We had lost internet, but another local missionary who flies down here has a weather tracker on his phone and he and his wife had joined us for our afternoon meal.  He explained what they were reporting at the time.  then between various calls to home we were able to be aware of it's path.  One day it was projected to hit our village as a direct hit.  I called a childhood friend and she posted on the internet for prayers for us here in Haiti on Facebook.  The storm changed it's path further north and when the rain bands went over the mopuntains they were all broken up.  We never even got a drop of water out of it.  Just heavy winds and choppy seas.  Thank you to all those who have prayed for us.

    I am also trying to upload some new pictures.  Just be patient, here in Haiti, things are a little slower.

God Bless you all

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