
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, August 6, 2011


     Internet back up and will post a few item this morning.  Just finished upacking all of our bags.  Have been so busy before this time to do this.  We will be going to the market in a little while to get food for the families and the orphanage.
50lb bags of rice
25lb bags of black beans
cooking oil
pasta noodles
tomator sauce

    The orphanage has changed drastically in the last year.  People have come in and built structures, church, cooking area, place for children to sleep protected, which is all well and good.  Yet the children still go hungry.  The orphanage has gone from 27 children to 49.  More mouths to feed with the same amount of money is coming in.  Praying the spirit reveals some thing that will help.  In the mean time we buy food.

So I will enter a few logs and then we need to go to the market.
God Bless

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