
God reminds us of his Glory

Friday, August 12, 2011

Change of Plans

         The statement “there is going to be a change of plans”, is normal for us here is Haiti.  We have just learned to go with the flow.  Our group was scheduled to sort uniforms for the kids at school and get it ready for distribution day of Friday.  We got so much work done in a short period of time that one of the Life Connection Mission guys decided to have all the pre-school kids to come in and get their uniforms today.  One of the younger boys that helped at the mission, went around town on the four wheeler with a bullhorn announcing that pre-school could come in and get their uniforms.  Before you knew it kids filled the school ground and we were off.  It was so exciting to see Claudson come through the line to get his khaki pants and his two shirts for school.  You can tell he was so excited.    It wasn’t long before older kids started coming through.  We worked steady from 9am to 1:30.  I could not believe what time it was.  We were so busy.  Tomorrow we will finish with the rest of the kids in the school.  We were able to tie a few loose ends up with items for our families before returning back to the compound.  We got back in time for our evening meal. 

I have so enjoyed the Bible Study that we have been doing.  Are we living in the Holy Spirit?  It has been amazing to see how we have been blessed with the gifts of the spirit for build up the body.  We so witness down here every day, what the Spirit is doing in our lives.  I will write more if time and internet and power allow.

We have had so many problems with the internet and having powe that this will be my last post before stepping back on US soil tomorrow .  We will leave the compound tomorrow morning at 5:30.  Our flight leaves at 9am.  A glass of milk sounds really good right about now.  It is funny the things you crave when you don't have access to them.   Will sign out before I lose internet.
God Bless you All

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