
God reminds us of his Glory

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Impossible is not a word!

Impossible is not a word, it’s just a reason for someone not to try.  I've seen miracles just happen.  these are words to a song by Kutless, but it is what we experience day in and day out down here.

Mwen Bouke, That is Creole for I’m tired.  We really don’t put in long days in total hours, but it is constant when we do.  We start all jobs 9am and work until 4pm or the last person was seen.  We take two breaks of 15 mins each during the day.  Today was another clinic day.  We saw 156 people.  One station check blood pressure, got their name and age and then came to my station where I (through a translator) found out their symptoms or what was wrong with them and then sent them off to the Doctor for further evaluation.  A group of sick  kids from an orphanage were brought in, most had malaria or worms.  We ran the gambit of illnesses from, flu to pregnancy and scabies to congestive heart failure.  When you are down here and something is happening, everything rolls up their sleeves and pitches in.  You will never hear, “ I can’t do that”, we just do it.  We learn along the way.
Will enter more later, have things to do to get ready for tomorrow.
God Bless

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